O PET Agronomia é um dos 842 grupos do Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET) do Governo Federal. O grupo é formado por estudantes de Engenharia Agronômica da Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei - Campus Sete Lagoas e tutorado por um docente do Curso.

Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei
Rua Sétimo Moreira Martins, 188 - Bairro Itapoã
Sete Lagoas (MG)

Antioxidant Activity and Metabolomic Analysis of Cagaitas (Eugenia dysenterica) using Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry

02-06-2021 13:57

Autores: Mauro R. Silva, Lucas G. Freitas, Amauri G. Souza, Raquel L. B. Araújo, Inayara C. A. Lacerda, Hebert V. Pereira, Rodinei Augusti and Júlio O. F. Melo.

Resumo: Cagaita is a fruit from Brazilian cerrado, belongs to Myrtaceae family, and has important economic value. This work aimed to determine the total antioxidant capacity (extractable and non- extractable fractions) by different methods and to evaluate the use of paper spray mass spectrometry  to obtain fingerprints of cagaita from different regions with the aid of principal components analysis.  Cagaitas had higher antioxidant activity than those found in other fruits mentioned in literature,  and the non-extractable fraction was 18.90 to 21.05% of the antioxidant capacity. The analysis  of paper spray mass spectrometry in positive and negative ionization modes identified several  substances, including organic acids, sugars, amino acids and several other classes of phenolic  compounds. Analysis of the main components of cagaita samples permitted discrimination of the  major constituents such as sugars and different kinds of phenolic compounds. Thus, this study  demonstrated that paper spray mass spectrometry is a simple and ultrafast method with minimum  sample preparation that allows the analysis of the chemical profile of cagaita. 

Keywords: paper spray, principal components analysis, ABTS, FRAP, DPPH

Para ler mais, vá em: http://static.sites.sbq.org.br/jbcs.sbq.org.br/pdf/2018-0450AR.pdf